Keeping Your Kidneys Healthy


Two of the most vital organs in the body are your kidneys and any attack by disease or injury  is bound to be felt in many other parts of the body.

Your kidneys are very important to all the organs of the body as it is their job to keep the  blood stream pure and free from harmful substances, while every drop of fluid in your whole  body is checked by the kidneys many times each day.

Only by this means can waste products be removed and all the rest of the chemicals kept in  perfect balance. If there is too much of chemical, this must also be removed by the kidneys and  if the level of some necessary chemical drops below normal, the kidneys will reabsorb as much  of this as possible, so that normal proportions will be retained. Thus, the kidneys are  continually on guard, preserving that which is essential to be body’s health and eliminating  that which is no longer needed.

Foods enters the human system through the stomach and digestive organs, where it is changed  into simpler chemical substances which are readily absorbed by the small bowel. From there, it  passes into the blood stream and carried to the liver, where it is changed and stored ready for  use whenever needed in the body.

Once the food materials reach the structures and organs of the body, they are quickly utilised  for energy and repair of damaged tissues. This shows that there is constant build up and break  down of tissues at all times in all areas of the body. This process is known as metabolism.

The constant burning of fuel within the body produces both heat and energy. This process is  similar to the burning of fuel in a power plant. At the same time, a considerable amount of  waste materials is given off. This waste material must be completely removed if the body is to  stay healthy.

A highly complex process such as this calls for reliable circulatory system and efficient  filtering plant within the blood stream. There are many substances besides red blood cells,  oxygen and carbon dioxide, while certain chemicals known as buffer salts are also necessary to  keep the human body functioning smoothly at all times. In addition, there are proteins, amino  acids, glucose and fats present in the blood stream.

With such an array of chemicals and cells, it is easy to see why one must take sufficient water  to keep the blood stream flowing freely at all times. This is the wonderful stream of life that  moves in and through every part of the human system day and night. Every living cell depends on  this, just as the tiny ameba depends on the stream flowing all around it.

Standing guard over all this remarkable system of living cells and fluids are those two  remarkable organs, the kidneys. They alone determine what materials are to be preserved and  what must be eliminated although kidneys are rather small organs considering the amount of work  for which they are responsible. There are two kidneys, one lying on each side of the spine at  the part of the abdomen.

Your kidneys are designed on an intricate pattern, between them, they contain nearly 200 km. of  tubing, have over two million tubes or tubules each and not more than 35mm long. At the top of  each little tubule, there is an important structure known as the glomerulus.

These little pinpoint structures are located mainly out, near the edge of the kidneys. They  consist of a little tuft of tiny blood vessels, whose job is to filter out no less than ten  times the weight of the body in water and various salts each day.

But these materials are not lost as they are reabsorbed almost immediately and are taken back  into the body, while only the unwanted ones are left, which are eliminated in the urine. As the  filtered fluid passes down through the little tubules, most of the water and the various salts  are drawn back through the delivate kidney cells, thus it filters several litres of fluid each  day.

However, the tiny tubules recover 10 litres putting these back into the blood stream again.  These leaves about two litres of urine to be excreted from the body which is the normal amount  passes each day.

These little tubules are not simple channels, they are very complicated structures, whose  responsibility it is to pick up the vital chemicals that the body cannot afford to lose.  Chemicals not needed are rejected and eliminated, thus keeping the blood and cell chemistry  stable, while maintaining the normal internal environment of the body.

The tiny cells that line the tubules reabsorb the needed chemicals and water that are so vital  to human life and from there, they pass into the blood stream via the tiny capillaries that  wind themselves around the tubules.

Your kidneys carry a very important function for they must flush out any substance which your  body regards as poison. This includes certain medicine that may be needed to fight infections  as well as any other substance not normally found in the body fluids. If anything happens to  upset the normal balance of chemicals and fluids, the effects are widespread through the  system.

A damaged kidney may not be able to excrete enough sodium. This chemical then piles up within  the fluids of the body and holds the water in the tissues, thus resulting in swelling or edema  of the tissues. On the other hand, if there is no sufficient sodium in the body, the patient  may complain of muscula cramps and even experience convulsion.

A healthy kidney is capable of eliminating almost any chemical not needed by the body. But if a  person fails to take sufficient water and other useful fluids, his urine may become so  concentrated that will actually burn during urination.

A person can still remain healthy if he has only one kidney provided it is functioning well.

You can keep your kidneys healthy by choosing well balanced diet and take some natural herbal  medicine with sufficient water. This is most important during the hot weather. The average  person needs at least three litres of water each day, this will keep the urine from becoming  too concentrated and also flush out any unwanted materials the body does not need. This is one  good way to help prevent stones from forming in the kidneys and bladder.

To keep your kidneys clean and healthy always and prolong your life in good health, take a herb  called viscum album, or epochi wonderful herb. It enables you to urinate frequently and thus  cleanse your kidneys.

Viscum album is a wonderful herb known to many experienced herbal medicine practitioners all  over the world.

•For more information call Dr. Lawrence. G. E. Uti on 08037053305, 08063085192.

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