God’s Original Diet

Maize farm

By Prince Arinze Onebunne

If we look at the natural world, we would never find any other living creatures that are overweight. It’s almost hard for our minds to conjure up the image of an overweight plant or an overweight wild antelope.This may be due to the fact that all other living creatures consume a steady diet of living foods, while humans are eating more dyed, doped, sulphured,salted, cooked, processed, refined foods and artificial toxin containing foods.No thanks to irresponsible commercial farming techniques that depend on chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetic modifications and hormones to grow crops on already overworked land,  today’s food supply has become saturated with toxins and has little nutritional value.

In today’sworld, if we can’t count on raw fruits and vegetables to be pure sources of nutrition, how are we supposed to obtain the energy necessary for life?The answer lies in choosing organically grownliving foods.

Maize farm
Maize farm

God’s Original Diet is a way of eating that involves a huge dietary increase in the number of unprocessed and uncooked fruits and vegetables, as well as seeds, nuts, grains and beans, etc. A food is considered alive if it is uncooked or “prepared” below 116°F, as above this temperature range, food begins to loose its essential nutrients, or its “vital life force.”

The more we can eat foods that maintain that aliveness, the more “life force” we ourselves will be able to embody. Remember Life=Life and Death=Death. By eating live foods you create a live body. God’s original foods contain essential nutrients the body needs to create and maintain energy. Dead foods advance age and decrease ability.The best way to approach living foods is to gradually incorporate more and more raw fruits and vegetables into your diet. A good start is to include enzymatically alive foods and vital nutrients in your diet and also try to eat 85% raw and 15% lightly cooked whole grains.

When we cook foods, we inevitably destroy some of the enzymes, vitamins and minerals necessary for good health. Cooking may actually upset the natural structure of food, robbing it of its essential nutritional value.If we eat too much cooked, microwaved and processes foods, it can clog our colon, which may lead to a whole host of problems, including, cancer, heart-disease, diabetes, etc.

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According to N.W.WalkerD.Sc. ‘’The fact that for generations, millions of people have lived and are living, who have rarely if ever eaten anything but refined, processed and cooked foods, does not prove that their being alive is the result of eating those unhealthy foods. As a matter of fact, they are in a state of decadent existence which is confirmed by the toxic condition of their bodies. Else, why the overcrowding of inadequate hospital facilities? Why the millions of pounds of painkillers sold annually? Why such a high rate of incidence of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, infertility and premature death?

If you begin to eat enzymatically alive foods and vital nutrients, you will be amazed at your increased energy levels, youthful appearance and decreased visits to the doctor’s office.

Arinze in his plantain farm
Arinze in his plantain farm

Other benefits of following a living food diet include improved skin appearance, excess weight loss, improved digestion, the reduction of many diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, etc. God’s original foods typically do not have as many Trans and saturated fats, as compared to most cooked foods, especially fast food and any other processed foods.

Living foods are high in nutrients such as potassium, magnesium, fiber and plant phytochemical. A report from the Journal of Nutrition stated that increased use of raw foods in our diet lowers both cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body, some of the main indicators for heart disease, obesity & high blood pressure.

However, enzymatically alive foods and vital nutrients-treatment does not lend itself to rapid drug-like control of symptoms, but patients get well to a degree not seen by tranquilizer therapist. Those who’ve seen the results are astonished. At Living Foods Conservation, we believe so much in enzymes, they help in the breakdown of foods in the body. They are very potent and help in health improvement. Enzymes particularly provide nourishment to over 100 trillion cells in the body, thereby providing energy for our system because a malnourished cell will eventually malfunction. That was what inspired my enzyme health therapy/ weight management company. We use these enzymes to achieve weight loss and healing for clients. Many of our clients have countless testimonies of the success of these enzyme supplements.

If you want vibrant health, come see us-together we can empower your self-healing body. E-mail: [email protected] TEL: 08179629250, www.godsoriginalfood.com

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